SMART FIRES shares research with teachers at STEM Summer Institute
Each year, the Science Math Resource Center at MSU co-hosts the STEM Summer Institute, an annual conference for over 170 K-12 educators from around the state. This summer, SMRC led a workshop that introduced educators to the SMART FIRES project and included presentations by Dr. Kevin Repasky from the Smart Optical Sensor thrust and Will Jardee from the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning thrust.
Teachers Help Inform EPSCoR Citizen Science Program
Montana K-12 teachers participated in focus groups providing input on SMART FIRES' new citizen science initiative which will provide schools with air quality measurement tools. The teachers–from Billings, Cut Bank, Great Falls, and Yaak–expressed interest in the concept, saying that they are always open to bringing new technologies into the classroom. They said the technologies could be used for hands-on lessons to engage students in the science of measurement and awareness of their local air quality.
NSF E-RISE Awards 2024
The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $35 million through the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Research Incubators for STEM Excellence Research Infrastructure Improvement (E-RISE RII) to boost research competitiveness, build partnerships across academic institutions and non-academic sectors and create workforce development opportunities.
$41M award to Montana Tech Hub
A regional technology hub focused on photonics and smart sensors, of which Montana State University is a founding member, will receive a $41 million federal grant to help create tech jobs across Montana.
2024 EPSCoR Annual PI Meeting Presentations
Access to presentations from the 2024 NSF EPSCoR Annual PI meeting. These presentations provide helpful information on ESPCoR funding opportunities.You can access meeting presentations web page here.
NSF announces 2024 E-CORE RII awards
NSF EPSCoR has awarded three new E-CORE RII awards to SD, NH, and ME.
SMART FIRES Smoke Vulnerability GIS Mapping Project
Kristen Intemann, Professor of Philosophy and Director for the Center for Science, Technology, Ethics, and Society (C-STES) at Montana State University (MSU), is working with graduate students in Land Resources and Environmental Sciences (LRES) at MSU to construct maps to analyze which communities and Tribal Nations are particularly impacted by both wildfire smoke and smoke from prescribed burns in Montana and across the U.S. This project is a product of the Social Psychology, Economics, and Ethics (SPEE) thrust of the SMART FIRES project.
SMART FIRES researchers at UM build mobile smoke laboratory
SMART FIRES researchers at the University of Montana have begun to build the "Supervan," a rapidly deployable mobile laboratory with enough space and power for scientific instruments that measure, track, and sample prescribed fire and wildfire smoke.
Dr. Rob Walker to give Distinguished Professor Lecture on optical spectroscopy
Dr. Rob Walker, a professor in Montana State University’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry since 2009, has been appointed Distinguished Professor for 2024 in the university’s College of Letters and Science. It is the highest honor the college bestows upon a member of its faculty in recognition of contributions to the college, MSU and the scholarly community.
Women in STEM Feature: Libby Metcalf
Learn more about Libby Metcalf, her work on EPSCOR projects, and what inspired her to pursue a career in science!
Upcoming Events
Inspiration Hall, Norm Asbjornson Hall, Montana State University
30th Annual OpTeC Conference
The Montana State University's Optical Technology Center (OpTeC) will host the 30th annual OpTeC Conference on October 10, 2024.
Omaha, Nebraska
28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference
28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference
Inspiration Hall, Norm Asbjornson Hall, Montana State University
30th Annual OpTeC Conference
The Montana State University's Optical Technology Center (OpTeC) will host the 30th annual OpTeC Conference on October 10, 2024.
Omaha, Nebraska
28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference
28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference